Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puzzle Pieces Finally Making a Picture

After all the chaotic craziness that has been going on...I finally have the time to write. I have been EXTREMELY BUSY!!!! I haven't had the time just to talk with people. As for classes, they are amazing! I'm a little bit nervous about counseling techniques, but I think that class will help me grow.

I have been able to meet some new people since being here. For example: the Psalters! I had such a wonderful time meeting them and getting to know some of their stories! If any of you don't know who the Psalters are...they are a Christian tribal band. Not you typical day to age music...but they are wonderful muscians and wonderful people! Love them a lot!

As of my apartment, things are getting fixed! My A/C works now. Had a bunch of ants and other little creatures making homes in my box oustide of the garage, then once we turned the A/C on...well you can only imagine...those lil ants and creatures got burnt and died....thus creating electrical problems...thus A/C not working. Thank God for Bruce who is the gentleman who lives in the house next to me (I live on top of his garage.).

Other than that, just trying to accomodate living in the South. It is a very different world than living in Iowa that is for sure! You have to dress up to go out to eat, can't call soda pop, etc. Oh and I already have an accent starting to develop...had someone tell me that already. Crazy!!!

Well I need to start going...have some reading to do! Oh the reading (there's a lot of it and I'm already behind, but God is good and I know he will help get through it)!

Much love!

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