Monday, September 7, 2009

Process of Moving Forward and Dealing with the Past...

So this week has been extremely difficult for me. I am through this weird time of my life and part of it is me missing people back home, particularly leah, annie, and josh. I miss them a ton and I really want to make a trip to Nashville next month to visit Josh, but we are also needing to talk about how things are with our relationship (eventhough it doesn't have an official name on it yet). I miss him a lot and is the first guy that has treated me so well and it's crazy how much we have in common. On a much different note...I have been needing some closure from a past relationship for quite of bit of time and feel like its coming together.
I contacted him the other night and just wished him the best of luck. To my suprise, he actually wanted to talk to me about things. I was in utter shock that this was even happening and I say this because I was not treated well by any means in this little tiff that we were in. I feel like I can actually move on by talking about how things ended and just getting things ended in a positive direction. I have a difficult time with leaving relationships behind in a negative way. I don't feel comfortable with it until it gets ended correctly. There were some bad and harsh words exchanged in our last conversation about two months ago and haven't talked to him since then until the other night. So I'm hoping things go well when we do get the chance to talk which we haven't had the time to do that yet. So its been hard dealing with things of the past and trying to get them straight before I can truly move on in the future. Which makes me think about how things ended with my dad because they didn't end very well either.
I'm trying so hard to enjoy my time here in Columbia, but it has been difficult with what's been on my mind lately and trying to move on from these ugly things that have happened in my past.
I don't know what this blog entry is intended for but I think just to write out what I am feeling at the moment. Basically, missing people from home and trying to get the ugly stuff worked out. blah...

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